Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Today I am thankful for...

10 years of being cancer free!!

The wonderful time we spent last night with Stephanie, Derek, and the kids.

My two fabulous teens that delight my heart.

Rain last night that is much needed.

A message I heard this week that spoke to my heart.

Time alone this morning, a very rare occurrence.

Monday, November 24, 2008


In thinking about Christmas, I almost forgot about Thanksgiving. This year, we are not going to have a large Thanksgiving meal. We are having homemade macaroni and cheese and chicken strips. I may make a pie for my special hubby though. We decided that we can be just as thankful with a small meal as a large. None of us need the extra calories and we can spare the added expense of a large meal. Stephanie, Derek, and the children are coming up so it will be a very special day.

Instead of eating, I want to spend some time thanking the Lord for all of his blessings to our family.

Thank you Lord for:

My salvation so mercifully offered. Romans 5:8

My wonderful husband of 29 years. Denny is such a blessing to me. I thank God for putting us together and then keeping us together in such a divorce ridden world. I can not imagine life without him.

My 4 healthy, special daughters of whom I am very proud!

My 7 healthy grandchildren!

My spacious home.

My warm and comfortable bed.

Homeschooling and all that I have learned on this journey.

My church and my godly pastor! It is so wonderful to have a family to worship with.

My country. I love the USA.

My freedom to be a Christian and to speak and worship freely.

There are so many more. I will add more this week.

Happy Thanksgiving and thank you God for your mercy in sending your Son to die for me.


Well, our Advent Conspiracy is going very well so far. We are busily making pre-school activity kits for our grandchildren in lieu of toys, making handmade presents for others as we can, and toning down the entire process. I bought a game for Christmas and plan to set up a puzzle to work on as well. I am thinking of ways for our family to make memories together rather than spend hours opening presents. We enjoy our Christmas in January, so have a lot of time to get ready.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas is coming quickly.

I came across a video today on a favorite blog that shook me up. My husband and I have been struggling with the idea of yet another Christmas where we spend a lot of money on things that no one needs. And yet, we love Christmas!


Click on the cream colored box to the right that says " Lack of." Let me know if your family decides to do this. What are we giving our Lord this year? Much to think about.