Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy birthday to me!

Today is my 49th birthday!! While others might be sighing and feeling down about being almost 50, I'm jumping for joy! 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare, but aggressive cancer. The prognosis was not good and we all faced the possibility that I would not be here to raise our children. Well, fast forward 10 years... Here I sit with two teens in the house, two of my daughters married and our 7th grandchild on the way.

So, 49 sounds wonderful to me!!!!!!! Bring on 59 I say. LOL

God gets all the glory today from me. He was merciful to someone who deserved no mercy.

Thank you dear Father for dying for me. Thank you dear Father for loving me and allowing me to live to raise my children. Thank you for a wonderful life!

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