Monday, November 24, 2008


In thinking about Christmas, I almost forgot about Thanksgiving. This year, we are not going to have a large Thanksgiving meal. We are having homemade macaroni and cheese and chicken strips. I may make a pie for my special hubby though. We decided that we can be just as thankful with a small meal as a large. None of us need the extra calories and we can spare the added expense of a large meal. Stephanie, Derek, and the children are coming up so it will be a very special day.

Instead of eating, I want to spend some time thanking the Lord for all of his blessings to our family.

Thank you Lord for:

My salvation so mercifully offered. Romans 5:8

My wonderful husband of 29 years. Denny is such a blessing to me. I thank God for putting us together and then keeping us together in such a divorce ridden world. I can not imagine life without him.

My 4 healthy, special daughters of whom I am very proud!

My 7 healthy grandchildren!

My spacious home.

My warm and comfortable bed.

Homeschooling and all that I have learned on this journey.

My church and my godly pastor! It is so wonderful to have a family to worship with.

My country. I love the USA.

My freedom to be a Christian and to speak and worship freely.

There are so many more. I will add more this week.

Happy Thanksgiving and thank you God for your mercy in sending your Son to die for me.

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